Sunday, March 18, 2012

Blue and Orange.

My friend who excitiedly told me a few weeks ago she was pregnant, has now told me that the ultrasound shows it is a girl! And here I am making a blue quilt! I am determined to finish this one before starting on a pink version. Having a baby quilt in the cupboard is always handy and I just have to finish things, don't like the idea of leaving these blocks in a zip lock bag for whenever.

So here are 24 sqaures trimmed down to 5 inches. It was going to be 5.5 inches but a few were too small and so rather than sew more to them, thought I'd just reduce the size. The fabric is all from the stash, haven't brought any fabric since the Christmas spree. I'm going to sash these with 1.5 inches of white and then either smaller squares around the edge or just crisp white. See how it looks.....


Cindy Sharp said...

Those colors would work for this girl! Sunshine and blue skies!

Terri said...

My favorite color combo!