That time of the year again, time to review a year of quilting in the land of Helen! While loading all these photos up to blogger I realized I have done a
LOT of doll quilt swaps for 2008, more than I thought. And I realized I really do have a habit of making two of them, one for me, one for my swappee.

February started off with this cot quilt for Baby Thomas down in Tasmania.

Also in February, I finished
Ad's Birthday quilt. Still chuffed that I sewed the label on during the drive to her house!

April saw the start of the Dolls Quilt Swap, this one being for the
4 Seasons Swap. Spring! I kept this one for me!

And this one I sent away to my partner. Don't think she liked it though....

Elliott's Hanger was finished in May. Not really a quilt, but thought I'd include it.
Cherise's Quilt was also finished in May. Hard to believe she is nearly one!

Back to the Doll Quilt Swapping in May. This one for
Flickr Dolls Quilt Swap #3. I kept this one.

And sent this one to
Tanaya who loved it thank goodness!

May also saw Baby L's quilt arrive to its new home in Sydney. Still have this pattern ear marked for a quilt for Milly's bed. Add it to the list Helen!

In June I joined the
6 - 12" Mini Quilt Swap group on flickr. This was the first one I made but I fell in love with it.

I sent this one instead. Don't think my swap partner liked it either as she never kept her end of the bargain and sent a mini back...... The joys of swapping hey?

Another name hanger, in June for Caitlin.

I finished stippling and the binding on this D9P in June too.

July saw an
EB Quilters Swap of Table Runners. I sent this off to the lovely
July saw my 2nd year Bloggiversary and I gave away this mini quilt to

Back to the 4 Season's Swap in July. A Summer Sunset for

July mini quilt swap was with the Lovely
Lisa. Her posts at the moment are making me drool, all that snow when we are on our 12th day of the temp getting to over 32 degree's celsius. That's 89.6 degree's fahrenheit for my USA readers! In a universal language, bloody hot!

August saw me a bit fustrated with all these quilts being mailed out the house. So I made Bricks and Mortar for our couch.

Flickr #4 Dolls Quilt Swap in August saw me make these two beauties. My favourite of the year I think. The Terrific
Tine over in Copenhagen, Denmark recieved the above quilt.

And keeping up with tradation, I kept this one for me.

September saw
Lily's beautiful boy born. I sewed her a little buzzing bumble bee to celebrate his arrival.

Back to the 6 - 12" Mini Swap in September with some snail trails for

Bestest Blogging Buddy
AJ's had a birthday in October and so started my obsession with the swirly block. I did her one.....

And then did a Rainbow Swirl one.....

And also this one which I ended up keeping for my growing dolls quilt on the wall collection.

And finally for the
EB Quilters Doll Quilt Swap #2 in September, I sent this one to

November saw the Flickr Dolls Quilt Swap #5. I sent off this one...

And kept this one!
So 18 mini quilts and dolls quilts! 18! Wonder how many 2009 will produce?