Well I promised myself that I would not buy any fabric this month..... Okay, well that lasted till the 11th! I brought these fabrics today. Spotlight all reduced end of season stuff for under $5 a metre, how can you go wrong at that price? Love the first bit. Amy Butler style without the big price tag? Photo doesn't do the fabric justice.

Then I went to a patchwork shop where I recieved a voucher for from Christmas, had to spend that before it expired. And so I got half a metre of this beautiful Micheal Miller print. Going through bit of a blue/green stage?
Well it seems I have been inspired to sew the girls some clothes. Have been following the sewing threads on EB, reading other members blogs and been inspired by what they can whip up. My sister has been sewing her daughter clothes, just simple leggings and twirly skirts for the last few months. I'd like to make some too! So thats why I brought all this material today. Suitably stocked up, the girls in FDC, I headed over to my sisters place for a day of sewing!
And here is Miss Milly wearing the dress that I made today! Its a size 2, massive on her even though she is 21 months old. Not totally happy with the shoulder seams but hey for a girls who hasn't sewed an item of clothing since Home Economics class in 1984, its okay! The pattern was from Simplicity, it took us 3 hours to make, not bad. And it even fits my Gracie who is 3 year old! Tight around her arm holes but she loved wearing it. But its not pink Mummy she said!

Other sewing related news, the UFO on ebay has a bid! Still on 99 cents with 4 watchers so at least it will go to a good home.