So to change the subject totally, I'm going to do a post about Miss Milly. Here she is, little munchkin that she is. Now we don't go to FDC anymore and with Grace being in Kindy four half days a week, her and I are always together, we are the team! She is like my little handbag, I take her everywhere! Except for when I go to work of course which is an interesting comparison as a part time position has just become available where I work. I currently just do Thursday nights 5-9 and Saturdays 9-5 which is just perfect really as Daz is able to look after them, its a nice arrangement, I am happy with it. But now this part time position has come up and two ladies at work have "strongly advised" that I apply for the position. Which has got me thinking about it all. I'd love to do a few more shifts at work but I just can't! I can't do it to Milly! She's too little, I don't want to hand her over to someone else for the sake of a few more shifts. Not yet, maybe this time next year, then Grace will be in full time preschool and Milly will be just that bit older. And maybe I'll be a bit more ready too.