Milly and I along with a close girlfriend and her 3 year old son went to the
Wiggles last Thursday! I realized it has been our 4th show, once a year we have been, every time they come to Perth. We may have moved on the Princess stuff and watch Shrek and Madagascar more on telly that their DVD's but they are still fantastic live.

Left Grace at school, I think she's too old for them, but Milly is the perfect age to get up and dance. She had no qualms at leaving us standing at the side and wandering up to the toddler mosh pit where she'd alternate being clapping and staring! See her above on the very left in the pink top? Look how close she got!

They always do a song where they go out to the crowd. It all happened quickly and Jeff was all of a sudden there in front of us, and I got flustered and didn't get the lense cap off my camera and the right settings set in time so I got this shot as as he walked past. Typical! See Milly in the back following him? The blurred pink top? Classic!

Now here is my favourite Wiggle! Well he's not technically a Wiggle.... Ben, the Wiggly Dancer! Watching him do his crazy wacky energetic dances leaping over the place, made watching
Wiggle Bay 1,000,000,000 times bearable in those early days when we discovered them. It was the only DVD we had for awhile! Anyway, I think he's fantastic, I'll admit, I am a fan, he's great! So when he walked our way, I had my camera ready and my girlfriend took this photo. As he approached talking to the kids and collecting roses for Dorothy, I said "Excuse me Ben, would you mind if I got a photo with you?" If he was suprised that it was a Mum that wanted a shot without a child in tow, he didn't let on! He said "Sure!" Photo was taken, I said "Thanks so much, we think your fantastic in our house." and he said "That's great! Thanks so much" and then
he touched the middle of my back as he moved away to collect more roses from the kids. And then I couldn't stop giggling for the next 10 minutes.