Now that Mrs K's quilt is under control, just the binding to hand sew down and the label, thought I'd set myself one last challenge for the year and sew a quilt for the kindy teacher assistant! She does as much work as Mrs K, why shouldn't she get a nice present too? Last day of kindy is on the 13th of December, leaves me 19 days to finish this. Can I do it? If I pick an easy pattern should make the deadline, lets do a Disappearing 9 Patch!

So I started this afternoon. Laid all the squares out. There was 45 in this pack, but I've only used 36, might incorporate some in the border, see how I go. So even though I laid them out above, when I sewed them together, it looked nothing like the layout! Don't know how I went wrong there, blame it on the heat, it was a shocking 38C today here in Perth.

So now the fun bit, sewn up into 9 blocks, out comes the rotary blade, cut, cut, rotate, rotate and sew back together again! And wolah, the centre of a lap sized quilt. I purposefully didn't leave any yellow around the outside as I'll use that colour for the border. Unfortunately I don't have anything at all in my stash that would go with it, so I will just have to go to my local material shop on Monday for a look to see what I can find. :)