Welcome back to the raggedy edges quilt sew along! Okay, all the steps on cutting and preparation are in this post
here. I didn't take any action shots when I was sewing the squares but below is a shot of all the squares for one row joined together. The easiest way to do this is by
chain piecing "feeding them through the sewing machine one after another, but without breaking the threads after stitching each pair." When you have done them all one way, cut the thread between each square and sew on the other diagonal line.

So now we have a lovely cross on each of our squares. We now want to place two squares each with the
backing fabric sides together, pin them and now sew about a cm in from the edge. Again you can chain peice these. I have drawn a rough wonky white line below where you would sew. Wouldn't worry about being terribly accurate here as you are going to trim the edges here later to make them raggedy. I use the wadding inside as a guide.

And then when you have sewn theme together, you then do the same again, till all the squares make one long strip! Do that so you have all your strips required to what size you want your quilt to be.

I did start this project hoping to just add on another strip to the above quilt, but I'm thinking now I might just make a whole new one!
Thanks Helen, I'm almost up to this stage! Finally finished all my cutting out this afternoon and am currently pinning all the bits together.
Go on Helen...make a new one...dare you!!!
Just wanted to add...I'm so jealous of your colours...makes me want to start a new one!!
lovely fabrics - where ever did you get them ? ;-)
Maybe you could make another matching lap sized / cot sized ones to have folded up at the end of the girls beds for when they share a room anduse it as an extra blanket in winter?
Helen looking good
COOL! Thanks for posting directions!
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