Sunday, July 15, 2007

Circus Sunday!

We went to the circus today! Complete with clowns, ponies, flying trapeze artists, juggling and lots and lots of cheap merchandize to go with it! We went with one of Grace's friends from kindy, here they are hamming it up with their scarey clown masks.

We had been looking foward to it for the last two weeks and now after two hours of watching and clapping, its all over. The anticipation is worth more than the actual event at times. Feel a bit flat now the day is over, maybe I am just coming off my sugar and fairy floss high!


Cass said...

Helen sounds like a good time. Jeff was just saying the other day we should take Charlotte to the circus next time we see one around

atet said...

Ok, those clown masks are VERY disturbing. Does someone, somewhere think that those are appealing? As for the flatness, it probably is coming down from the fairy floss (I LOVE that name for cotton candy!).

Helen said...

Atet! I know, those makes are horrible! Nightmare material. They have another 24 hours in the house then they'll "dissappear".....

Andrea said...

ARR those masks are scray, I am suprised that your girls would wear them.It sounds like you had a lovely afternoon out.

Kylie said...

A fairy floss high - lucky you - unlucky you for having to come off of it - eat more I say!

And I agree - those masks are a little scary looking - think they need some hair!

tigerfilly said...

hmmm, yes, not so sure about those masks - sounds like a fun time though!