Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 29 of Blogtoberfest - Labels....

Thought I'd do a post on how I make my labels. There are lots of ways to make a label, but this is the way that I like to do mine. I design them in a program called Quark XPress. We only use that program cause 1. We have it loaded on the computer and 2. I know how to use it! You could do it in Word or Photoshop, I just prefer Quark. I do mine on an A6 document and like to do two labels at once, save paper. I use Matilda's Own Inkjet Printable Fabric. I got a pack of 10 sheets from the craft fair back in May for $11.95, I have 4 left in the pack.

Then I print it out on our little old Canon printer. It's just an ordinary inkjet printer!

Then you peel the backing off the fabric sheet, iron some vliesofix on the back of the label, cut it out to size, then peel the backing off the vliesofix, then iron it into place onto the back of your quilt. Couldn't get any shots of the ironing action as it kept steaming up the camera! I didn't used to iron vliesofix onto the back, but it just helps to hold the label in place while you blanket stitch it on.

And wolah, during one episode of City Homicide you will have your label sewn on! I like to use two strands of DMC thread. Love to hear how you do your labels.


AJ said...

I learnt from the!!

Mine don't look as good as your though!

wishes, true and kind said...

I firmly believe in labeling quilts, but rarely do them. Ooops. Maybe this will inspire me to take the time.

Becky said...

I am going to try this next time. The paid for label that I used on my DQS was my least fave part of the whole thing. Given that I am a beginner that does not say much for the label itself...

Claire Narbonne said...

Lovely! Many thanks. BTW, the expression is "Voilà"