I got all excitied yesterday after posting and finished two of the quarters and then decided to sew it together to make the half. Spot the hiccup?? Look! Can you see it?? It took Daz a few minutes to find it but to me its glaring in the face! Okay, see the dark pink strip in the middle? Firstly its supposed to be a bit thicker, when all four blocks are joined there will be a cross that stands out a bit more than the spikes, thats part of the pattern, so its not that. But it is to do with the dark pink. See on the right it comes down to a nice sharp point meeting the lighter pink? That is good. But see on the right? It comes down to a point, all good, looking nice, then it goes straight! Argh!!!!

I know exactly what I have done wrong which makes it more fustrating! You are supposed to sew on the solid lines. I decided at the beginning to make the points a bit longer, so I decided to sew on the solid line for the first side of the spike and then on the dash line for the other side of the spike. And that worked fine until it came time to sew the two quarters together! I trimmed it before I sewed it to get the bulk down, and I should have trimmed one side on the solid line and one on the dash line, but instead I trimmed both on the solid. Bugger!!!

And here is the colour selection for the other side of the spiky wheel.

So here I am ready for round two. I suppose its not really that noticable..... but I'll make another one anyway. Good thing I like to make two versions for these quilt swaps!