Today was the day! I received the magazine in the post. I'll admit I saw the article yesterday. We went up to my folks house and walked up the shops to get a copy. Mum and I stood in this little tiny news agency and Mum started squealing as I flicked to the page, Milly is pulling on my top going "Mum! Mum! What is it?" I showed her and she goes "How did you get in a magazine?" How indeed Miss Matilda?!

So here's the main spread. My eye first went to that little bubbled bit on the bottom left. I pointed it out to Daz this morning and he said "What bubble bit?" and I wonder if I hadn't of mentioned it, would you have noticed? I did have trouble with my walking foot at the end and in real life it isn't as noticeable as here. Me being fussy I suppose. Otherwise I think the layout looks fantastic! Homespun took the photo, I sent the quilt to them for all the shots.

And here is the bit about me. I sent a selection of quilt photo's over, they got to choose which ones. I'm quite chuffed they choose the doll quilt I made for
Tine in DQS#5 and my placemat swap with
Sarah. My blogging buddies are a great support to me and I am thankful to have meet lots of lovely ladies along the way that have become friends. You know who you are!

Here is Daz holding up the creased masterpiece.

And here is the back. I was quite pleased with the back. Great way to use up extra strips.

And to complete the mail, my parcel from
equilter arrived. The Aussie dollar is so strong in the US at the moment, seems a shame not to go shopping. More swirly fabric. Have no idea what I will sew with this, add it to the stash.