Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to all the Mums out there. Doesn't really feel like Mothers Day here. Daz is still away so the slippers he brought last weekend with the girls are still stashed in their plastic bag in the wardrobe and there is no way I'm getting them out and wrapping them and giving them to the girls only to have them dive them back to me to unwrap! My Mum is still away too on their outback jaunt. Somewhere between Alice Springs and Derby last we heard. Above is a shot of Jules and I, I'd say I'm 6 months old, nice big fat cloth nappy bottom, she'd be 23 here. Look at that chunky rattle I'm holding! Scarey!

Milly Brought home a poem and a necklace from daycare for me. Of course I haven't been allowed to wear the necklace myself as she likes it too much! Grace came home from school with a lovely card and a candle but wasn't in the mood for me to take photos of her.

Actually Grace is prefering to be behind the camera lately. She snapped this shot of Nan, Milly and I today, which is a lovely shot, I really like it. We got Nan a new toaster, she was stoked!


AJ said...

Great Baby photo Helen!!

Nan looks like a lovely lady....hope she enjoy her new toast!!

Becky said...

Happy Mother's Day.
I just found your blog. How exciting. I can't wait to try the stack & slash from your tutorial.

Sue said...

Ha ha my little girl came home with the same poem and picture from child care. LOL!

fi said...

nice to see you! thanks for the tute, havent tried that before!hope some mail arrives verrrrrry soon ;)

Helen said...

LOL, that is funny Sue! Same child care craft book?!