We interrupt all sewing activity to acknowledge the arrival of our new car! Big day here today! Daz's folks arrived with our new car. We are very excited, having a 4wd just will open up a whole new world of exploring up here. And having such a flash car too!!

The girls were very excited to see their grandparents too. They have driven up from Perth, so about 3,500kms.... we drove out the last 60kms to the Wyndham turn off to meet them, that's how excited we all were!

Here is Daz about to go for his first drive! Let the adventure really begin now!
OMG it's HUGE way bigger than I thought! Are those Dockers balloons?
Wow! Have fun! Will you ever return from the wilds to your sewing machine now that you have that killer rig to explore in? What devoted parents to drive 3500km to deliver your new 4WD. Have a wonderful visit.
Enjoy that new little (big) beauty! How fun and what marvelous adventures you will have now.
There'll be no stopping you now! Have fun exploring that great wilderness up there!
Very nice! can't wait to read of your adventures in your new car!
So exciting Helen! Can't wait to read all about your new adventures!
Your work is very lovely!!!Today ,you are in my blog!!!:)
Hey Helen now you will be going places. It is great to have a 4 WD we have always had one, hubby's one great love. We love getting out bush too. Happy exploring.
But make sure you get some sewing done too. :)
gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!oh a new car, how lovely! now white....is that going to show up the dust there??????? hope you have a good carwasher living at your house!
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