Ingrid asking Ads if I had taken the shot yet, was it safe to turn around??!
The girls pausing, still deciding.....
All of us holding up our wares! I seem to have a little pile but I got all the below fabric.
This is from Prints Charming. It is soooooo soft!
These FQ's and a few half a metres of Moda's Chez Moi range.
These FQ's from unsure, but at $12 for the 4 I wasn't leaving them there!
Then back in the car to Spotlight. No snaps of our adventures there. We do have SL in Perth of course but just wanted to go to s Sydney one! Same crazy, crap service across the county we noted! It was in a group of "discount shops" so we snapped up some bargains at Pumpkin Patch too! We had some lunch to recharge the batteries then off to Material Obsession. I've wanted to go to this shop ever since I discovered their blog. Their style is always a riot of colur, just love it! We were too caught up in all the lovely fabric to snap any photos of the buying action.
I brought half a metre each of these prints. And because I had been such a good shopper all day, I treated myself and brought this book from Kaffe Fassett. Lots of eye candy in there to make some stunning quilts with all my new material!
And that was the end of the day, only three shops, but we piled a lot in there! Cass then drove us back over the Harbour Bridge, I took these shots out the window of the car, feeling very much like a tourist. The bridge always amazes me. The whole toll charge thing still has me scratching my head, we don't have tolls in Perth.
I managed to get a parting shot of Ingrid as we dropped her off at her bus stop! And I know she is just going to kill me when she see's this shot! But I think its great! See ya soon Ingrid!
After we got back to our hotel that night, Ads and I spread all our fabric purchases out on the bed too ohhh and ahhh and Ads then declared, she didn't have enough! So we arranged the next day for the patient and lovely Cass to take us to the Craft Depo. And I got these metre lots from there. Prices were quite good here, ranged from $10 to $24.00. Of course we like the ones at the $10 end of the scale more, these ones were in the middle at $15 a metre.
We then spent our last night in Sydney at Cass's place for tea which was lovely, nice and relaxed, yummy meal and a great sing along to the Sound of Music! Can't wait till Cass comes to Perth so we can take her on a Perth version of a fabric trawl!
Then on Thursday lunchtime we flew home. This was the view from my seat on the plane, stunning view. It was a great trip. Fantastic to catch up with both old and new friends.
Ingrid and I pausing in our tea.
Cass and Ad about to start their serving platter of goodies.
And afterwards we had a group shot taken, as you do! The girls made me sit on the chair!
Then on Monday I went on a train ride down south of Sydney and spent the day with a very dear old girlfriend Kelly and her children. Last time I saw Kel her daughter was 6 weeks old and Milly was a 2cm dot in my tummy. Time flies..... I get teary thinking about how far apart we live and how much we have missed out on each others children growning up from living at different ends of this country. Still, we had one lovely day together and will hopefully catch up again in a few more years. She used to live in Perth and we worked together in those crazy 1990's in the advertising and graphic design industry. She's always telling me to move to Sydney and I'm always telling her to move back to Perth!After I arrived back in the city from visiting Kel, Ad and I set out for dinner. We ended up at this restaurant called Blackbird Cafe, in Cockle Bay. Ended up eating this pizza! MMMMMM! Pizza and beer! As we were sitting there we watched the monorail go by every few minutes, after our meal we thought, why not? So we put on our cheesy tourist grins and went around twice!
Then we went back to the hotel as Tuesday was the big fabric shopping day! This was the event we had travelled for! I'll pop back tomorrow and post photos of all the action!