Monday, February 26, 2007

Cutting half an inch off.....

What a fun weekend I have had! Inbetween working on Saturday, having friends for tea Saturday night, attending a combined 4 year old twin boys and 6 year old little girl's birthday party on Sunday, getting two new goldfish to replace the one that died in the week (RIP Finding Nemo!), Milly on the verge of getting the hang of toilet training, Grace having a blood nose on Sunday night and this oppressive humid heat Perth seems to be having at the moment, inbetween all that I decided I would cut half an inch off all these blocks! Hey why not??!

After spending the last few days looking at this quilt and fretting that I just need 2 more 4 inch squares of that butterfly material, I thought bugger it, I'm just going to unpick it all, cut half an inch off each square making it 3.5 inches! I had enough scrap left over from making this dress to cut 2 blocks so I wouldn't be missing any then! So here we are, blunting the rotary cutter again!

1 comment:

AJ said...

Hope you didn't have too many to unpick!! It will all be worth it in the end...when you have produced another spectacular quilt!