We have had a drama packed 24 hours! Tuesday morning started off quite nicely with
Gracie Lou being on telly for the first time, I cried watching it! Happy tears though, it was great. It was "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", Grace sat on my lap and gave me a running commentry of all that was about to happen as she has seen it so many times before! Then 90 seconds later, all over and we went to kindy! Thank you all for your words of congratulations too, means so much to Daz and I. :)
Then, that afternoon, I was doing some sewing, the girls were hanging in the lounge room, Grace comes up to me, "Mummy, I have a stone in my nose" and I thought she meant just a hard boggie so didn't take much notice. Then I realized she did mean a stone! My Aunt made her this extremely tacky hanging out of aquarium pebbles and other bits and it was spent the last 3 years hiding on a shelf behind some books and Grace found it on the weekend and has been carrying it around since and as a result it has started to fall apart. So Grace popped one of those blue stones up her nose and it got stuck! When I asked her why did she do it, her answer? "Because I wanted a good hiding spot for it."
So, off we go to our local A & E department at the local hospital to wait 4 hours to be told its really stuck and they don't have quite the right hook thing to get it out (one small enough) and so they wrote us a referal to the children's hospital for the next morning. That was this morning. Mum takes Milly for the day and off Grace and I go. We arrive at 9.30 to be told that the Ear, Nose and Throat clinic doesn't open till 1.30 that afternoon! Okkkkkkkkkay! Home is an hours drive away so not much point driving back again, instead we go to Kings Park and hang there for awhile. Come 1.20 we are back at the clinic doors, waiting to get in. We are seen first thank goodness. the doctor gives Grace's nose some puffs of local antisetic to numb it and then he goes in with a long tube camera for a look. And guess what??
He can't see the stone! It is not there! I can't believe it, I almost ask him if he's sure?! *sigh* So it seems after all our running around that it dislodged itself. I felt relieved, thank goodness.
And as a result of all that, no WIP Wednesday post today. How does WIP Thursday sound