Have just come back from picking up Grace from her last ever day with Michelle. We gave her the quilt, she cried, I cried. Not just a few tears either but the start of the kind of crying you just can't stop. I am terrible at saying goodbyes. The girls were looking at us thinking huh? She loved it, was touched at all that work. Next time we'll see her, she'll have a baby in her arms, awwwww.
While I am feeling emotional, I just want to thank
Suz and
AJ for commenting on the last post. I feel like I am just a suburban Mum sewing alone in my little corner of the world, but you girls make me feel like I'm part of an online sewing bee. Thank you, the fact that you took time to comment and say lovely things means a lot to me.
Started cutting out squares for my next project and realized I haven't enough of this fabric below. I have taken the image from the
Timeless Treasures web site. Its from a collection by Dan Morris, just called Novelties. I brought it through one of the US co op's so haven't seen it anywhere in Australia. Must be some out there somewhere. I have put a few plea's out there on different sewing boards so may get lucky. If anyone reading has any or knows were some is, that would be fantastic! I only need 4 x 4 inch squares!

Now a special post for AJ. I do my labels using iron on T shirt transfers from Celcast. I get a pack of 5 from K Mart for $17.00. Write the label up in Quark on the computer, print it onto the paper, then follow the instructions on how to iron it on the fabric. Easy peasy! And looks good. Let me know if you can't get any and I'll post some over for you.