Book Week this week. Technically it is about
"celebrating books and Australian authors and illustrators. Classroom teachers, teacher librarians and public librarians develop activities, offer competitions and tell stories relating to a theme to highlight the importance of reading." Now I am all for the importance of reading but who decided the parents would get the task of dressing up the kids in a home made costume to celebrate their favorite character from a book??! Who's smart idea was that?! I got creative for one child's costume, that was my limit!

Grace decided she wanted to go as Scooby Doo. Easy I thought. Pants with a tail sewn in, yep, no problems, sewn a few pairs of pants in the past. Done! The top though, I was worried about the top. Putting a combination of words like children, costume, easy, simple, shirt, top into good old google, I stumbled on this pattern
here. Perfect! So Sunday was spent sewing this up and then painting black dots on the back. It was a really easy pattern, gathered at the neck to hide all my dodgy seam match ups! For the paws we painted some white socks brown, decorated a cereal box with some Scooby Snack signage, I laminated a mask printed off the internet and wolah!

I didn't sew a thing for Milly's costume and she looks pretty pleased with herself. Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth hey?
Cute costumes!! I rov scoobydoo!
They look great Helen, well done on the Scooby costume. I've just spent the last few days hunting for plastic apples. Our school is just doing a hat parade and Charlotte wanted to do 10 Apples up on Top, no apples to be found so now we are doing a last minute cat in the hat with an toy cat stuffed in a hat.
Love Scooby Snacks! LOL
Romily said she wanted to go as a butterfly. I asked from which book? She ummed and aahed and I said 'Hungry Caterpillar?' and she said 'Oh good one mummy!'
We had a leprecon, hawiian girl and mexican here, much perfer Cass's school idea with a hat parade.
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