A grey rainy day here today but that didn't stop
Ad and I shopping up a storm! All children where at school or Day Care so we were off to check out the new Textile Traders Supa Store a 30 minute drive down the highway. And what a day to pick to go as all their patchwork fabrics were 50% off, yes all of them! So we were picking bolts of fabric and making piles of what we wanted, wrecking their display, eyeing off other customers fabric to add to the pile after they had purchased! Lots of fun. I was buying with no particular project in mind, just to stock up the stash! Here's my goodies!
Crying tears of jealousy. I want a TT looks like a great day
Me too with the tears of jealousy! I am thinking I need to make a special trip up the Hume! Wow what a haul!!! And 50% off - no fair!
Those are all yummy fabrics that you purchased!
Yum yum yum! I see several that I own or covet in that pile- i think our stashes would be great friends ;-)
Good scores! I am going to check the Midland TT out tomorrow, like I need any more!
Don't forget I have 70cm of the Amy Butler one for you too.
wow what a haul you have there!!!!!! well done
good for you!!! picking out bolts of fabric left and right just to add to your stash. sounds like a wonderful time. your fabric choices are lovely.
I love the bright colors, it makes me want to go shopping (like I really need more fabric in my stash). Love your blog and your quilts are beautiful!
Me oh My, I wanna TT near me (insert sobbing smiley here)
Great haul though, glad you got a pic of Adds in action!
Great photo - had to laugh that they have baskets for you to use - there must me some people that just buy buttons LOL. You will have to tel them that they need to open a web stre (and I now know why there are so many sellers over in the West selling patchwork fabrics - they must be making a fortune reselling the goodies)
What a great haul! And a sale...how lucky you were.
Another one seething with jealousy here! They are all so gorgeous, and what a bargain!!!
I defintely have TT envy! Great haul and such fun!
I want a TT near me too. What a great outing and fantastic fabrics too.
Wow, what a beautiful fabrics!
Kind Regards,
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