Kim and
Belinda tagged me over the weekend. A bit of blogging fun.
The rules:
• Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself.
• People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog.
• Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names.
So I am going to tag back
Muffington (bring her out the closet!),
Austy's Mum,
Jill and
Okay random facts/habits.....
1. I can flare both my nostrils! Great party trick!
2. I have an ebay feedback of 402.
3. I have a mouth ulcer at the moment and it really, really, really hurts!
4. I had an affair with a lecturer while I was at Uni! OMG!!!
5. I drive a car with personalized football number plates!
6. I need to paint my toenails.
7. I meet Daz on an internet dating site.
There you go! Hope you'll all still pop back and read my blog!