The Squid Eye is finished! Well sort of.... I have finished blanket stitching all the mini eyes around the outer, now I have found my missing fat flat (and how about the irony of my own sister having the material I needed in her stash! Thanks
Ad!), I just have to sew an inch sashing around the quilt top and then its finished, ready to sandwich. But was thinking I might do some fancy big squares for the backing. Am liking the idea lately of backing doesn't have to be the same fabric, you can make the backing a simplified quilt in itself. Thinking around the squid eye!
So with that one nearly crossed off the list I was thinking about whats next. The weather here is warming up slowly, low 20's and sunshine, girls wearing twirly skirts at yesterdays show, whats a Mum to do? Sew a twirly skirt!

I'm using this pattern online from
here. Easy peasy to make and the only seems which you can see are the side ones, I love how the hem is all tucked under and sewn down, so you don't see any threads. This Amy Butler Midwest Modern fabric is soooooo soft, I grabbed a few metres for myself before the rest went for sale in the
shop. I think I'd like to make a few more for the girls, bring on spring and summer please!
Grace and I had an interesting conversation this morning. She was finishing brushing her teeth, sighed and said "Mummy do dreams come true if I wish really, really hard?" And I said "If you wish for something with your whole heart and believe in yourself then dreams can come true" Something inspirational along those lines. She nodded and looked happy. I then asked her what was her wish? "I wish for a white unicorn Mummy" Ahhhhhh okay, maybe that one isn't going to quite come true soon. :)