Doing a blog surf last night, as you do! I saw that
Kylie had posted a photo of her messy work space! (I couldn't see the hat Kylie!) She found over at
Sister's Choice Quilts there was a little comp going on for the messiest work space with the idea to play Eye Spy, 15 things to find. Okay, here goes.....
1. Sticky tape dispenser with no sticky tape in it!
2. Can of "air".
3. Zip lock bag of Jan Mullen scraps.
4. Zip lock bag of scraps for Grace's school craft stuff.
5. Pile of scraps for upcoming scrap swap with the EB Sewing Girls.
6. Blue Christmas baubles to write on before next Christmas.
7. A cardy of Milly's to fix before winter.
8. An overlocker!
9. A tube of freezer paper.
10. A length of dowel for a rod to hang a quilt from.
11. Two cutting boards, one flat, one upright!
12. A dust duster!
13. Post it notes.
14. Notes from friends when swaps have been received.
15. A tumble drier!
What a mess! I usually pride myself on working in a tidy spot cause as you see I have such a small space to work in. I call it my sewing room but it also goes by the name of laundry! I had a girlfriend over yesterday with her 2 son's to fix some dress up costumes and I was sewing away and she was standing at the door watching and commented that it is amazing I churn out the work I do in such a "compact" as she polietly put it, space! If you'd like to share a photo of your mess, pop into comments to let me know!

And just cause it is WIP Wednesday, a teaser photo of what is going on today. I am over log cabins, time to chat about something else. I have sewn all 27 or was it 28 that I needed, now I just have to lay them out and sew them together. But in the meantime I have to finish this too. I can't say any more about it, just that
I have to finish it!