Well I started here over a month ago and finished tonight! Yahh!
I completed the binding on Hugo's quilt a few days ago, and tonight while watching Dancing With The Stars I finished sewing on the label, so that means I am all finished! Everything done except wrapping it up and posting it! I am playing around with saving my photo's in a different format than usual. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to download for you?

Thanks for the lovely ladies who suggested what I should do with that final boarder, to stipple or not to stipple, that was the question! I ended up doing a meandering stipple and it fitted in perfect with the rest of the quilting. Interestingly enough I had to adjust my machines tension to 7 instead of the usual 4 to stop it from pulling on the back.
I am never going to win any awards for my quilting, my binding is always wonky, my stitches in the ditches are always in the ditches! I use polyestor cotton at times! Shock! Horror!! The quilt never lays flat and my mitered corners..... But quilting is not about that is it? Hugo is 15 days old today and he lives the other side of Australia. I was his Mum's bridesmaid back in 2002 and I made this quilt just for him. To spew on, poo on, snuggle under and sit on. Welcome to the world Hugo! Wishing you sweet dreams always under this quilt.

I just love this quilt - it's so bright a happy. The next time you visit I am sure Hugo will have adopted this as his must-have blankie! I agree with you quilts are to be loved - that's award enough!
Helen, another lovely quilt. Hugo is a lucky boy
The quilt looks so good, I don't know where you find the time or the patience to do it.
i love the colour. Strip piecing is so much fun :)
Very sweet! And a lovely little quilt. He will love it!
WOW Helen, you are so amazing. You rock. I love the colours & the stippling - want to teach me how to stipple? I suck! LOL....
Oh my gosh Helen, this quilt is amazing!!! I love all the colours, they look fantastic together. What a lucky little nephew you have.
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