Anyway, here's Milly starting off the day opening her stocking pressies. As you can see Daz is "helping"! They woke at 6.30 on Christmas morning, not too bad I suppose. Just seemed early as we were up till 12 that night wrapping pressies! My Mum made the stockings a few years back from one of those pre printed panals from Spotlight. She quilted them with gold thread, they look really great, just the right size too.

And here's the girls racing up and down the back patio with their new toys. Grace loved her scooter, that was a big hit. I think the trike is still a bit too big for Milly, her feet don't stay on the peddles, she'll get the hang of it. I'm thinking I'll be pushing her too and from kindy to drop Grace off and pick her up a lot this year, so lets do it in style!
Hope everybody else had a lovely day on the 25th too. Merry Christmas!
Sounds like a fun but busy Christmas Helen. Santa bought Will a tricycle too and we are having the same problems. At least you were smart enough to get one with a handle. My poor husband has been trying to pull Will along on his by a piece od ribbon, lol.
Oh and I love Graces new dress. I was very tempted by that one but I resisted.
Ingrid, it was 25% off otherwise I would have resisted too! LOL!
Helen, looks like you had a great day and the girls look very happy with their presents. Grace looks very "impressed" by the dress LOL
WOW Helen, your girls look like they are having a great time with their gifts. I think we get more out of giving them gorgeous clothes - well for the next few years anyway!
That is a busy but fun-filled day! The kids loved the pressies from the pics. Love the dress too.
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