Now I must admit I am not really a Christmassy person,
but I think the last month of working in The Christmas Shop at Myers is starting to rub off on me. This was being unpacked on Saturday to go on display and I saw it and it was a case of "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have to have that!" So here is our new Advent calender! When you open each of the day's doors the figures at the top move around, some background lighting comes on, the little door at the top opens and a boy with a goose pops gently out and of course it plays a tinny Christmas Carol!
Little bit more $$ than your average Advent Calender but I thought, this is the sort of thing that I can hand down to the girls. Our first real Christmas heirloom.
Now to work out what to put in each days door...... Any suggestions?
Helen, that is BEAUTIFUL!!!
What to put in doors... lollies are the obvious... party favors? Bubbles, plastic rings/necklaces/bangles, hair accessories...
Any help?
Humm - A little decoration to put on the tree - treats. Great ideas Sharon!
I love it - you will have to keep your eyes on in the comming years for something for the other DD!
Helen, my god that is beautiful. Much nicer than the one I got. Fantastic buy
That is beautiful - I agree that it will make a lovely heirloom.
Ummm, I like the idea of a new tree decoration too - how about even some stickers? Both my boys are loving any kind of sticker at the moment. I use some as rewards and when they get enough they can pick special treats.
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