Well I finished the teddy bears quilt top this afternoon. As I was laying it out on the floor for this pict, Grace says "Gee its really pretty Mummy. Is that for me?" Why does a 3.5 year old think everything is for her?
In hindsight looking at it and maybe being a touch picky, I'm thinking the red in the corner "economy patch" blocks (no idea why they are called that! But thats what the pattern called them!) is a bit over powering? DH thought not last night when it was laid out on the lounge room floor, he loved it. He is a bit baised though!
Just have to go to SL tomorrow or Friday to get some backing and more wadding. Don't have any in my supplies this big. Then let the quilting beginning!
Now whats next on that list of mine......
Wow Helen that is amazing, I think I have said before what an absolutely wonderful gift it is. Is it for a friend, sorry I can't remember.
I amdire you for putting in such an effort for a gift.
It is really, really gorgeous. I love it so much, Michelle is really lucky.
Helen it looks beautiful, you are so clever.
Love it!! I can't believe how much work it must have been - all that hand stitching.
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