Thursday, October 23, 2008

DQS Five - Started!!

It started with the above doodle.... Circles, lines, more circles.... I don't want to do any foundation peicing for this one, its applique time!

And then sat down and doodled in Quark.... I was thinking rainbow gradiation, like giant spots of colour on plain white, something fresh and simple. It wasn't quite working and I left it up on the screen, went away and came back an hour later and thought, ahhh, just a simple line to connect the spots. And yep, I think it works.

And so to the scrap box I go! This is the fun part.


~LilOlFrankie~ said...

You need to come to QLD so I can pick your brain!!!! I have no imagination compared to your gorgeous goodies!!!

Trisha said...

You are so creative! I can't wait to see this all finished!

Tina said...

what fun! can't wait to see it transformed from paper to fabric!

Tine said...

My goodness! I looks so wonderful, you are so talented!!

Ruth's Place said...

It's going to be so cute!

KateKwiltz said...

That is SO cool! Great design, great doodles -- I love how your thoughts come together!

Lisa said...

I love seeing your process.

Cass said...

Helen that looks awesome

Lily Mulholland said...

Ooooh this is going to be fab! And yes, finding 10 minutes is a challenge around here too!

AJ said...

Love your scrap box!!

AJ said...

Just had a thought!!... They look like lollypop trees!! cute!

susan said...

oh yes! i am going to enjoy watching this one come together!!

Lisa said...

Gosh Helen, I love your doodles!!!! I have never heard of Quark... is it an Aussie thing???