After much pondering over to send or not send
this quilt off for the
flickr DQS, I have decided not too. A girlfriend came over today, just popped in too drop off something and she saw it on the wall and I could see on her face how much she loved it.
Really loved it. Appreciated the work in it. And it is her birthday in a few months so I am going to leave it hanging there until then. And then watch her face when she unwraps it. Of course when she was viewing it this morning I said nothing of that and told her about doll quilt swaps. She thought I was mad!

So with that decision finally made it was time to turn my attention to what I would now send.

I had made these stars during the week. Using scraps from my white tone on tone stash for some interest.

So with the four completed it was time today to think layout. I was originally thinking in an arch but it would have made it too long so I played it safe and just sewed them in a square pattern.

Nice and safe as you can see! Then the border...... after thinking wonky flying geese I thought nope, little squares in a row, inspired by this block

So I sewed a long strip about 7 inches long, then sliced it up into four strips.....

And sewed it to the stars. Frames it nicely, I like the colour against the white. So all ready to sandwich and quilt during the week.
There has been a few emails going behind the scenes and messages on flickr about swapping and not sending if your partner hasn't commented on what you have made. Just want to point out I don't expect gushing over my quilt, not at all. But I do expect appreciation for the hours gone into making something special. I have been in a lot of dolls quilt swaps, a lot. One of the last ones I sent, I got the feeling it wasn't appreciated and that was a bit hard to swallow as I know a lot of people would have loved that quilt. Maybe that is just the risk and joy of swapping? So rather than take that risk again, I'm keeping a quilt that was originally made for someone else and give it to someone I know will love it. That's all I really have to say about that. I have a quilt to sandwich. :)