Well I finished the top for
Chaletgirl Block Swap last month
here, and took it up to Mum's to pin on her frame. She finally bit the bullet and brought a new machine for the frame, one with a big throat! The
Janome 1600 Professional. This was the first time I got to use it!

I don't know if it was just getting used to a new machine, or cause I haven't done any machine quilting on the frame for over a month, but I found the flow of stitches to be jerky in places. Once you got the speed up and into the flow it was good, just had to get there..... I think that is just practice, if you were doing it everyday there wouldn't be that factor. But because in some area's there are sharp curves and sudden changes of direction, I don't know if I'll give it to my Mother In Law now. I used a dark to light pink verigated cotton which probably wasn't the best choice as in places the wonky quilting stands out. In hind sight a lighter pink would have been better.

For this quilt I sewed a 2 and a half inch strip to the top and bottom of the quilt top. So I could quilt up to the edge. When it is pinned on you loose about an inch of quilting space. I wanted to do swirls and loops to the edge.

It does look great spread out though. So another quilt for the girls bed? I'll do the binding and then make the final decision.
You can send it to my house if you want
That's the first time I've got a sense of how big the blocks actually are! It's huge! And PINK!
I've just bought a pfaff grand quilter, and quilting frame, and I'm having the same teething problems. I think the 2 machines are pretty similar, aren't they?
It looks gorgeous though, and you do realise that once you wash it you won't (and your MIL definitely won't) notice any little problems, don't you? I'm sure she'd love it - I know I would!!!
Its a beauty! Definitely a lovely gift...a good washing and it will be ready to wrap!
I have to agree with the others - once it is washed and puckers up a bit everything will be less noticeable. I always tell myself while quilting that the washing will cover a multitude of mistakes! Hate those sharp jerky points amid the soft curves, but really no one but the quilt maker inspects it that closely. Beautiful quilt!
i think it looks wonderful Helen!I'm sure she'll love it. and Katy is right, once you wash it, all will be good.
It looks great. I think you should go ahead and give it to your MIL.
It looks great! I bought the fabric for the backing on mine but that is as far as I have got with that so far.
The general feeling seems to be give it to your MIL, I agree :)
You are powering through the projects! Nice sewing machine...but Helen - you are the quilting machine! Go girl.
It's looking fabulous Helen! I suspect that mine won't be quilted until 2010, but yours is inspirational.
That quilt is so yummy!!!
Go Jules I new Machine!! I'll have to pop over to test it out!
ohhhh its lovely! I love the pink and fabrics. Does your mum like the machine???? I was looking into the 1600 but then got my brother but its a bit rattly with the quilting....hmmmmm maybe I should have looked into it more!
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