Well I finished my
Project Improv blocks. All packaged up to post to
Jacquie. Can't wait to see the magic happen as she sews them all together. I think my favourite is the top right one, I love that deep green Valori Wells fabric and the sharp point it goes up to on the left. It was fun mixing up designers, something I wouldn't normally do. And I mixed up my whites, spots with floral and stars..... Usually that would freak me and hunt down more of that fabric, but for this project, as was the whole idea of
improvising, I let it go.

Like the rest of Australia and the world, we have been devasted, upset and saddened over the bushfires in Victoria. We had to turn off the telly on the weekend as the girls were watching and getting upset and starting to ask questions that I couldn't answer without getting upset myself. Just the
comprehension of loosing everything, your house, friends and family members...... and how quickly it happened makes me cry. The news in the paper and online, the photos of heartache and loss makes your heart ache, everyone is just so sad even though we here are on the other side of the country. Grace's school is doing a fundraiser for icey poles tomorrow to raise money for the people affected. Her teacher has showed them the photo of the
koala drinking water from the fireman..... The girls from my Mother's Group are quickly whipping up some boxes of non perishable food and toys for a convey that is heading over East. To help some how from far away.
Tia has had the fantastic idea of starting a group of flickr called
Bush Fire Quilts up to make star blocks, to send to her so she can do her magic, assembling quilts to send over to those who have nothing left. 12.5 inches finished, white/cream/light background. All the details are over at the flickr group or on Tia's blog. Lets get sewing!