We interrupted the sewing for a few days out here, as the big weekend was here.
The Lake Argyle Swim. Daz and a team of 3 fellow teachers were competing in the 10km team swim across Australia's largest body of fresh water,
Lake Argyle. That little orange buoy in the distance on the right? That is the 1km to go mark.

We went up the Friday before and camped at the Resort to soak up the view and the atmosphere. The view is just stunning!

Hanging at the beautiful infinity pool at the caravan park before the big day. Such a tough life being on holiday's up in the Kimberley!

The swimmer doing a few laps warming up for the big day.

Waiting at the boat ramp.

The cheering squad by the boat ramp.

And later over that day, over the finishing line they go! They swam in 5 minute stints during the race but for the last 30 meters, they all jumped out the boat and swam across together.

And he got a medal/coaster saying he survived the swim! Does he look happy or what?

We spotted a croc on the way home while crossing over the bridge to Spillway Creek.
Krista, this photo is just for you!! Glad it was on the way home, would have been a bad omen if we spotted it going there! There are crocs in Lake Argyle but the swimmers were in the middle of the lake, so safe enough. So it was a great weekend, Daz is keen to do it all again next year!
Quick question of the day. When I was at
SIT, I got several comments about how people loved the photos of the scenery up here and what we did out and about. Which was lovely. I know I live in an amazing part of Australia that not many people get to experience. So I love to share that. My question is, do I share too much or just the right amount?