Blogging is about the good times and the bad times, right? Monday was a bad time. Daz and I had to make the choice to put down our dog Charlie. Saturday morning we woke up to him just lying on his bed, awake but unable to get up. Picking him up Daz felt a large lump one side of his belly. We dashed to the vet, they took some needle biopsies. The results were inconclusive, they ruled out an infection or a bite from a snake or cane toad but left a question mark over what the lump was exactly..... He stayed there till Sunday afternoon, we were allowed to bring him home for the night and told to return Monday morning so they could do more tests. He was a little better that night, could walk but wasn't his usual self. On waking up Monday morning, it wasn't good, he couldn't move again, just lying on his bed. We dropped him at the vet and it became pretty obvious that all the tests in the world weren't going to fix him. He was 15 years old and we didn't want him to go through that. Daz and I decided he should go to sleep, hardest phone call I have had to ever make. We were there at the end, well Daz was, I was standing outside watching through the glass doors with tears streaming down my face. His body trembled and then just relaxed and was still. No more pain for him. We told the girls after school amongst more tears. We were allowed to take his body home and buried him in a quiet spot out of town. The back yard seems very quiet without him in it.
How sad for you all Helen. I hope that your happy memories will help you through the bad times. Take care.
I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie, pets are such special companions and it's just not the same without them!
I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through. After I had to put my 12 year old Emmy to sleep this past March, it took a long time before I could think about getting another dog. But now we have Toby, and life is fun again.
I am so sad for you and you family. Tears are coming down my face right now. I know what it is like to lose one of your littlest family member, very difficult. But he knows that you loved him and he had a great home! Sending big hugs!
I am so sorry. I think it always hard to say goodbye to a pet!
That is one of the hardest decisions in life to make. Sorry to hear you had to make that decision.
Letting a pet go is not any easy decision but as a vet told me, sometimes it is the kindest thing you can do for them. Hope you and your family are feeling better soon.
My heart goes out to you and your family . . . we had to make that decision with our beloved Miss Angel 18 months ago. And your mention of tears streaming down your face brought such a lump to my throat . . .
Hugs and best wishes as you adjust to this new reality.
Hugs for you and your family. I'm sure you guys gave him a great life.
Oh so sorry to hear that. Looks like Charlie was a terrier or sorts. I'm sure our Sophie, a smooth fox terrier, is enjoying his company right now. Think of all the mischief the two could get into!
I am so sorry. It is so hard to loss a pet. They bring such love and happiness into our lives.
So sorry. Remember the fun times.
Oh my gosh, I'm absolutely choked up. I didn't know you had a doggie, and judging from the photo he was the cutest!!! I'm so sorry for all of you that Charlie's gone. Absolutely the hardest decision, but the most generous gift you could give him so he wouldn't have to suffer. Hugs to you.
I'm so sorry for your loss. He has the sweetest little face. Jenn
Oh Helen :( Im so sorry to hear about Charlie :( thinking of you xxx
Oh, it's so hard to lose a beloved dog. My heart goes out to you and yours. I love the photo you posted though -- what a happy moment, and what a great look on his face!
I'm so sorry you had to let Charlie go. :(
What a horrible decision to have to make - my heart goes out to you! We had to do the same last November, and the only consolation is that you've been able to ease their suffering.
So sorry for your loss. What a sweet face.
I'm so, so sorry. Outliving our pets never gets easier, but life is so much better for having shared it with them.
Oh Helen, I'm so sorry. They leave such a big hole in our hearts when they leave. Hugs to you and your girls (Daz, too!) from Chicago.
So sorry for your loss Helen. I have had to do that twice and it is heartbreaking.
i am so sorry!
I am so sorry for your loss. It must be a very difficult decision to make.
I am very very sorry. I don't now what to say but I do understand you, I know that sorrow. I am just so sorry :(
I'm so sorry.
I'm so far behind on reading...but I wanted to let you know belatedly how sorry I was to hear of your loss.
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