Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Sewing for Lynne.

A lazy Sunday spent sewing on my swap for Lynne. She is sewing down her binding. I am still tackling my quilting. I have been getting frustrated with my thread breaking every 10 minutes. Finally I clicked, maybe change your needle Helen? Bingo, not a thread breakage since.

Here is some of the thread I have used. Or maybe not.....


Emma said...

Oh, of COURSE! I've been gretting frustrated with breakages on Adds' quilt too, and I even thought about changing the needle before I started - but didn't! Oh, and lovely quiting, too!

Unknown said...

I love the little sneak peek of this quilt. The colors are gorgeous! You are doing a wonderful job on the quilting too! She is bound to love it!

Millie said...

OMIGOODNESS! It's Awesome! Ican'twaitican'twaitican'twait! I'm gonna love it!

Millie said...

ps, I think I am lusting after your sewing machine...